public class BloodImpactBehaviour

Inherits MonoBehaviour

Has references to all particle systems on the blood impact effect.


public ParticleSystem MainSystem

This is obsolete. You should use ParticleSystemsToAdjust

public ParticleSystem Debris

This is obsolete. You should use ParticleSystemsToAdjust

public ParticleSystem Debris2

This is obsolete. You should use ParticleSystemsToAdjust

public ParticleSystem Trail

This is obsolete. You should use ParticleSystemsToAdjust

public ParticleSystem UnderWaterPuff

This is obsolete. You should use ParticleSystemsToAdjust

public ParticleSystem[] ParticleSystemsToAdjust

No description provided

public FancyBloodSplatController FancyBloodSplatController

No description provided


public void SetColor(Color color)

Set the effective blood colour


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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