public class BackgroundItemLoaderStatusBehaviour

Inherits MonoBehaviour

Behaviour that controls the little loading box in the bottom center of the screen


public Sprite DefaultThumbnailSprite

The fallback sprite for when there is no sprite given

public TextMeshProUGUI TitleMesh


A reference to the text mesh for the title

public TextMeshProUGUI StateMesh

A reference to the text mesh for the status

public Image ThumbnailImage

A reference to the image element for the thumbnail


public static BackgroundItemLoaderStatusBehaviour Instance { get; private set; }

The main instance of this singleton


public void SetDisplayData(string name, Sprite thumbnail)

Set the current title and sprite to display

public static void SetDisplayState(string state)

Set the current status to display

public static void Show(string name, Sprite thumbnail)

Show the loading box

public static void Hide()

Hide the loading box


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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