public class AmbientTemperatureGridBehaviour

Inherits MonoBehaviour

A behaviour that resides in the world at all times. It controls ambient temperature transfer.

Nested types



public static AmbientTemperatureGridBehaviour Instance

The main instance of this singleton.

public ConcurrentDictionary<Vector2Int, Cell> World

All cells that have been created by position.

public float ObjectToAirTransferRate

The speed at which objects transfer their heat to the air.

public float AirToObjectTransferRate

The speed at which the air transfers its heat to objects.

public float AmbientTemperatureTransferRate

The speed at which ambient heat is transferred to the surrounding air. In other words, how fast heat travels from cell to cell.

public int GridSize

The size of a grid cell.

public ConcurrentDictionary<Vector2Int, byte> BlockedCells

No description provided


public void ComputeBlockedCellPositions()


No description provided

public float GetTemperatureAt(int x, int y)

Get the temperature at the given grid location

public float GetTemperatureAtPoint(Vector2 worldPoint)

Get the temperature at the given world point

public void ChangeTemperatureAt(Vector2 worldPoint, float celsiusChange)

Affect the temperature at the given world point

public void SetTemperatureAt(Vector2 worldPoint, float celsius)

Set the temperature at the given world point

public void ChangeTemperatureAt(int x, int y, float celsiusChange)

Affect the temperature at the given grid point

public void SetTemperatureAt(int x, int y, float celsius)

Set the temperature at the given grid point

public void EnsureExistence(int x, int y)

Ensure existence of cell at grid point x, y

public void TransferHeat(PhysicalBehaviour phys)

Transfer heat from the given PhysicalBehaviour to its surrounding air

public Vector2Int WorldToGridPoint(float x, float y)

Transforms the world coordinates to a grid point

public Vector2 GridToWorldPoint(int x, int y)

Transforms the grid coordinates to a world point


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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