public class ActivationPropagation

Inherits System.IDisposable

Structure that represents a single activation propagation


public static readonly HashSet<ActivationPropagation> ActiveSignalSet

No description provided

public const int MaximumPropagations

Constant that determines the maximum amount of simultaneous activation signals in the world.

Constant value: 10_000

public static readonly ushort[] AllChannels

Immutable array that contains all channels (0, 1, 2)

public const ushort Green

The green channel

Constant value: 0

public const ushort Red

The red channel

Constant value: 1

public const ushort Blue

The blue channel

Constant value: 2

public int Identity


The unique identifier for this activation

public HashSet<Object> Path

Collection of all traversed objects by this signal

public int TraversedCount

Amount of objects this signal has traveled through

public bool Direct

Is this signal directly created by the player?

public ushort Channel

The channel of this signal

public GameObject Sender

The original object which the activation signal was sent from.

public GameObject Target

The original object which the activation signal is directed to.


public int Traversed { get; set; }

[System.Obsolete("Use TraversedCount instead")]

Amount of objects this signal has traveled through


public bool Contains(Object obj)

Has this signal traversed the given object?

public (constructor) ActivationPropagation(bool direct, ushort channel = Green, GameObject sender = null)

Construct a signal

public (constructor) ActivationPropagation(Object obj, ushort channel = 0, GameObject sender = null)

Construct a signal

public (constructor) ActivationPropagation()

No description provided

public ActivationPropagation Branch(Object ob)

Branch this signal and return the branch.

public void Dispose()

No description provided


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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