public class AcceleratorBoltBehaviour

Inherits BaseBoltBehaviour

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public float EnergyLevel

Energy level of the projectile

public float CameraShakeAmount

Amount of constant camera shake

public GameObject ImpactEffect

Effect to spawn on impact

public GameObject LargeImpactEffect

Effect to spawn on impact when the energt level is high enough

public float ImpactStrength

Amount of force to apply to objects that the projectile collides with

public float AoERadius

The area-of-effect radius to consider while traveling

public float ActivationDelay

How many seconds to wait until damaging AoE effects are activated. This exists to protect the wielder.

public LayerMask ImmobiltyFieldLayer


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public float ImmobilityFieldSlowdown


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public override float GetSpeedMultiplier()

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protected override void Update()

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public override bool ShouldReflect(RaycastHit2D hit)

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protected override void OnHit(RaycastHit2D hit)

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This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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